Judge Finds Reasonable Doubt in Felony Drug Crime Case, Acquits Defendant

Judge Finds Reasonable Doubt in Felony Drug Crime Case, Acquits Defendant

Attorney Carter helped form a defensive case for a New Orleans man who was facing two counts of cocaine distribution and one count of heroin distribution. If convicted, the defendant would have almost-certainly been sentenced to lifetime incarceration without a chance of parole due to past felony convictions on his record.

Despite Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) agents supplying video, audio, and testimonial evidence against Attorney Carter’s client, the presiding judge, Ms. Laurie White, acquitted him on all charges. White deemed that the prosecution had not been thorough enough to remove reasonable doubt from her mind and so she could not grant a conviction. The defendant chose not to face a trial by jury, allowing White to make the verdict on her own.

Amidst verbal outrage from the New Orleans District Attorney who worked on the prosecution, Attorney Carter and his co-counsel, Attorney John Fuller, felt the case was weighed fairly, as it should be. The defense cited vagueness in testimonies as to the whereabouts of the actual address the alleged drug distribution crimes took place. Possible double jeopardy issues were also mentioned, as the defendant had plead guilty earlier to charges brought about from the same DEA sting operation.

Read more details about this case here: http://www.nola.com/crime/index.ssf/2015/06/new_orleans_da_i_am_disgusted.html
